Valentine�s day Flowers and Gifts to Philippines |
1 dozen white roses in a bouque |
1 dozen red roses in a bouquet |
Mixed Purple n White Orchids in a Vase |
One dozen yellow roses in a bouquet |
1dozen red roses in bouquet |
A bouquet of 12 yellow roses and 12 red roses wrapped |
Two Dozen Assorted Orchids in a Vase |
1 dozen pink roses in a bouquet |
1 dozen multicolor roses w/ bear |
3pcs Dendrobium Orchids w/ Anthuriums in a Vase |
2 dozen red n pink roses mix |
1 dozen red roses in a vase with balloon,bear n chocolates |
One Dozen White Orchids in a Vase |
1 dozen yellow roses in a bouquet |
Three Dozen White Orchids in a Vase |
Various sized bouquets of stunning red roses with a vase |
One Dozen Sunflower in a Vase |
Whether you are celebrating a specific event |
1 dozen peach roses in a nice bouquet! |
1 Dozen Mixed Color Roses in a glass vase with greens and filler |